Equi-rider rules

I - Conditions of participation

1 - Riders

To participate in an Equi-rider competition, riders can create an account directly on our platform. They will have to enter their location (Country/Region/Department) and create one or several horses.

If a rider has already been registered by a club, their account has been created automatically. Riders can then contact the club that first registered them to find out their Equi-rider ID and password. They can then change and customize their password as they wish.

A rider may register as many times as he or she wishes in Equi-rider competitions. However, it is forbidden to participate several times in the same event with the same horse.

It is the responsibility of the rider or club to register in the event that they feel they are capable of doing. It is the responsibility of the host club to prevent a rider from competing in the event if they feel the rider is not of the required level.

2 - Clubs

Club managers must first create their account to create their club in order to register their riders and participate in an Equi-rider competition. They will also have to associate a location (Country/Region/Department) to be able to proceed with the registrations. On their dashboard, club managers can create riders and horses. Be careful, each time a rider is "added", an account is generated for him or her. If one of your riders has already participated in an Equi-rider competition, you can add him or her to your riders searching his or her name.

3 - Horses

As for the riders, it is the responsibility of the participating clubs to know the technical and mental means of a horse to be able to engage it. If it is an independent rider, it is also his responsibility to register his or her horse in an event adapted to its level.

II - Conditions of organization

1 - Responsability

To organize an Equi-rider competition, the entity must have created an account, created its club page, and entered its location and bank information to receive payments. In addition, it will have to provide information on the equipment it has to organize competitions.

The host club will ensure that they are familiar with the rules and regulations and that animal welfare, professional common sense and caring are at the heart of their organization.

It will be its responsibility to accept or refuse the departure of a rider or an outside club, if the rider fails to comply with the rules or if he or she deviates from the moral practice of horse riding. By holding an Equi-rider competition, a host club accepts that a member of the Equi-rider team visit its competition to witness the good practices implemented if the sanitary conditions allow it.

If an Equi-rider administrator (team member) judges from an unannounced physical inspection or video that a host club has not set up the rules or track correctly, he/she may cancel the result of an event or competition or temporarily or permanently deny a club the opportunity to organize or participate in an Equi-rider competition.

In the event of a dispute during a competition (accident, failure to comply with health regulations, failure to respect rules, etc.), Equi-rider cannot be held responsible for the quality of the organization of its competitions. It is the duty of the host club and the clubs that enter the competitions to ensure the safety of the participants.

2 - Specifications

A host club must meet a set of specifications to create its Equi-rider competition. These specifications result from a need for sufficient material to ensure the credibility of its competition (size of arena, pool of jumps, arena of relaxation, ...). The competitions are differentiated by their size of arena, the club will thus have to make sure that its competition arena is large enough to be cropped in the given dimension.

The host club will be responsible for the proper and accurate setting up of the track. It will have to display the tracks of the day so that the clubs and the riders can testify of the good setting up of the track.

III - Rules of the practice

1 - Show jumping

1 - Scales

Several "scales" are available in show jumping competition on Equi-rider.

  • Grand prix Temps différé : It is a two-phase event, the first phase not timed and the second timed. Riders are separated by the penalties of the two phases, and by the time of the second phase.
  • Vitesse : This is a single phase event. Riders are judged on all penalties and on the time of the whole course.
  • Grand prix Barrage : This is a two-stage event. The first stage is decided by penalties and a minimum time. If the rider exceeds the time allowed for the first stage, he will take penalties. To learn more, you can consult the "penalty" section below. The second stage will be organized with the group of riders with the least amount of penalties, this second stage will be decided on penalties and the time of the whole course.
  • Spéciale progressive : It is a one-phase event, with riders being separated by the points they accumulate and the time. Unlike other scales, riders must score the most points. The points attributed to the jumps are equal to their number, if the rider passes one without penalty, he takes points, if he commits a penalty, he loses points. If a rider jumps N°8, he "wins" 8 points. If he commits a penalty on N°3, he loses 3 points. A "Joker" jump can be in place on these scales, in which case the value attributed to the "Joker" is 20 points.

2 - Penalties

The following penalties result in a 4-point penalty:

  • Fallen bar (top bar, on each plane of the jump). Example: An oxer has two planes, so if the bar of the 1st or 2nd plane falls, it causes 4 points. The penalties due to the bars are not cumulative on the same jump (except for the combinations where the penalties due to the bars can be made on each element).
  • Stop or run-out: If the horse stops in front of an jump or "runs out".
  • Recrossing of the traces: If the rider decides to make a turn or any other figure which causes a retracement of his traces not foreseen in the layout of the course.

If a rider accumulates 3 refusals or run-outs, he is considered eliminated. If the host club allows it, he can jump a "simple" jump (avoid a combination or a demanding jump profile).

If a rider falls or puts his hand on a bar, he is also considered eliminated. In this case, the rider must leave the track on foot without being allowed to jump again. If the host club allows it, the rider can jump again in the relaxation area.

3 - Time

In Equi-rider competitions, the timing is different. For a better video judgement, we ask that the timed phase starts at the moment of the landing of one or more forelegs of the jump in question. If for a delayed time the second phase starts at N°6, the stopwatch must therefore start at the landing of N°6 when one or more of the front legs touch the ground. If it is a speed, it is at the landing of N°1. A rider can therefore stop in front of N°1 and thus have 4 penalty points, without having started the chronometer.

The stopwatch is at the reception of one or more hind legs at the end of the phase (mostly the last one of the course). Thus, when one or more hind legs touch the ground after the last number of the course, the stopwatch must stop.

2 - Hunter (French discipline)

1 - Scales

  • Mixed : These are tests in which the horse's conduct, frankness and obedience will help solve the difficulties of the course (a mixture of maneuverability and compulsory figures).

2 - Penalties

The following penalties result in a 4-point penalty:

  • Fallen bar (top bar, on each plane of the jump). Example: An oxer has two planes, so if the bar of the 1st or 2nd plane falls, it causes 4 points. The penalties due to the bars are not cumulative on the same jump (except for the combinations where the penalties due to the bars can be made on each element).
  • Stop or run-out: If the horse stops in front of an jump or "runs out".
  • Recrossing of the traces: If the rider decides to make a turn or any other figure which causes a retracement of his traces not foreseen in the layout of the course.

If a rider accumulates 3 refusals or run-outs, he is considered eliminated. If the host club allows it, he can jump a "simple" jump (avoid a combination or a demanding jump profile).

If a rider falls or puts his hand on a bar, he is also considered eliminated. In this case, the rider must leave the track on foot without being allowed to jump again. If the host club allows it, the rider can jump again in the relaxation area.

3 - Judgment

The riders' courses are judged on videos (uploaded by the host club) by a certified judge via a tool specifically created by Equi-rider. The compulsory figures and the overall scores will be noted. After judging, the protocols are generated and available on the account of the participating rider and his club.

3 - Equifun (French discipline)

1 - Definition of the discipline

Equifun is an animation event integrated into a playful pedagogy project. It consists of completing a course composed of a series of devices to be performed against the clock. These devices alternate maneuverability, jumps, and accuracy and include options for overcoming variable difficulties. The objective of Equifun is to develop the rider's ability to control their mount and optimize the choice of options that best suit their abilities, as well as to promote the preparation of equids by improving the quality of their education. The rider completes the course against the clock, chaining the devices in the order of the numbers.

2 - Specific Tack and Bits

  • Bit board: refer to the official FFE competition regulations, general provisions, Art 7.5.
  • In addition, the Pelham, Pessoa, and draw reins are only allowed with connections linking the ring of the bit to any other ring on the same side and with a single pair of reins attached to the connections. The connections must not be adjustable and must allow the reins to slide.
  • Bitless riding is allowed, except in a hackamore.

3 - Allowed:

  • Martingales with rings on reins with mobile stoppers;
  • Loosely adjusted fixed martingales, without being elastic, when the pony/horse has a normally placed neck, the martingale must reach down to the manger;
  • Rollers, ear nets, leg wraps, nose covers, saddle covers, tongue tie, crupper, and breastplate;
  • Braided and/or raised tail.

Gags are prohibited.

4 - Events Table

Event CategoriesAgesHeight of Equids
A210 years and underA
A112 years and underA
Club Benjamin12 years and underAll sizes of ponies and horses
Club Minime14 years and underAll sizes of ponies and horses
Club Cadet16 years and underAll sizes of ponies and horses
Club Junior18 years and underAll sizes of ponies and horses
Club SeniorOver 18 yearsAll sizes of ponies and horses

5 - Penalties

A device is judged without penalty when it is performed in accordance with the indicated layout during reconnaissance, without overturned or modified equipment. Penalties incurred for damaging a device during an attempt are retained if the rider makes further attempts on the same device. If the device is not completed and the rider does not retry but moves on to the next device, they are penalized (cf. No. 3, 4, 5, 6 in the table below). A volte inside a device is considered a tracking error.

11st fault on a device20 seconds
22nd and subsequent faults on the same device5 seconds for each
3Device destroyed on the 1st attempt and impassable, continue40 seconds
4Device destroyed on the 2nd attempt or more and made impassable20 seconds
5Device not completed on the 1st attempt and not retried40 seconds
6Device not completed after 2 attempts and not retried20 seconds
7Failure to pass entry and/or exit gates20 seconds
8Aiding by physically touching the rider or the horse20 seconds
9Course errorElimination
101st fallElimination
113 devices made impassable on the courseElimination

6 - Technical Standards

EventsMaximum Height of Obstacles
A230 cm
A130 cm
Club Benjamin40 cm
Club Minime50 cm
Club Cadet60 cm
Club Junior60 cm
Club Senior60 cm

7 - Time

The stopwatch starts at the crossing of the first gate and stops at the crossing of the last. It must start and finish when the rider is aligned with the gate (as precision in dressage is evaluated).

8 - Classification

The final classification is established by the stopwatch: course time + penalties in seconds. The rider/team that wins the event is the one with the fastest final time.

4 - Dressage

1 - Penalties

CausesPenalties awarded by judge
Error in the course
⋅ First time
⋅ Second time
⋅ Third time

⋅ -1% (cf. example below)
⋅ -1% (cf. example below)
⋅ Elimination
Leave the competition track by crossing the liceElimination
Exit the competition track through the door at A, if left open-1% (error in the course)
Lameness, bleeding, fall of the pony/horse and/or riderElimination
Brutality, abuseElimination
Entering the competition track, including around the rectangle, with a stick when prohibited-2 points
Enter with protectors or headphones when prohibited; without spurs when required or lack of dress-2 points
Non-compliant greeting-2 points
Outside help:
⋅ Pro :
⋅ Club, Poney, Amateur, Enseignant

⋅ Elimination
⋅ -5 points per intervention
Leaving the competition ring after riding with a faulty harness or mouthpiece-5%

2 - Judgment

The riders' courses are judged on videos (uploaded by the host club or the independent rider) by two certified judges via a tool specifically created by Equi-rider. These videos must be taken from the point of view of the judge in C and must allow an objective and practical judgement of the couples. If the quality of the uploaded videos is insufficient, the judge may sanction the rider. The figures and the overall scores will be noted. After judging, the protocols are generated and available on the account of the participating rider and his club.

5 - Equifeel (French discipline)

1 - Bonuses and penalties

Bonuses and penalties are determined by the Equifeel ringmasters and are specified on the competition forms that can be downloaded after registration.

2 - Judgment

The riders' courses are judged on videos (uploaded by the host club or the independent rider) by a judge via a tool specifically created by Equi-rider. The videos must be taken from a point of view that facilitates the judging. If the quality of the uploaded videos is insufficient, the judge may sanction the rider.

3 - Equipments

1 - Mouthpieces

The authorized mouthpieces are the same as the French federal rules. Please consult them on this link : FFE 2022-2023 General regulations (French)

2 - Harnessing

The authorized rears are the same as the French federal regulations. Please consult them on this link: FFE 2022-2023 General regulations (French)

3 - Miscellaneous

It is the responsibility of each club to judge whether a rider's attire or equipment affects the safety or integrity of the horse. Thus, a host club may refuse such attire or equipment only if it is a matter of safety, law and morality of the sport.

4 - Results

The results must be passed by the host clubs after the competition. The platform proposes to enter the points, the time and if the rider has been eliminated, not started, or has abandoned. In order to justify and validate the result of an event, the host club must make available the video of the best rider's course. This is mandatory for each event, if a club cannot provide the video of the best rider, then the results of this event are not validated.

The Equi-rider platform automatically ranks the results and therefore requests the videos of the best riders to avoid the club to recalculate. It is the responsibility of each club to enter the correct results. Equi-rider, in case of important or proven doubt, can invalidate the results of a couple, an event or a competition.

IV - Rules of the "Riding Cup" tournament

1 - Definition

Equi-rider organizes a tournament for riders and clubs called "Riding Cup". At the end of the tournament, the most successful riders and clubs in their events and disciplines are determined and rewarded with prizes. The duration of the tournament is that of the French school year, for the Riding Cup tournament, it begins on September 1st 2022 at 00:00 (Europe/Paris) and ends on July 1st 2023 at 00:00 (Europe/Paris).

In Show Jumping, Hunter and Equifun, 4 stages can be organized on different sizes of arenas. In Dressage and Equifeel, 10 stages (1 per month) are available. Clubs and riders are not obliged to participate in all stages.

2 - Competition Points

Riders and clubs accumulate Competition Points during this tournament, which are used to rank them. Thus, the club or the rider with the most points will be at the top of the ranking.

1 - Riders' Competition Points

Riders accumulate Riders' Competition Points (RCP) for each event. Thus, a rider can be classified in several events. These points are obtained according to the following rules:

Competition Points Riders (CPR) = (Result x Entered Competition x Participation Coefficient) + Participation Bonus

1 - REsult
Eliminated, non-starter, abandonment0
2 - Number of Competitors
Number of competitorsMultiplier
[ 0 ; 5 ]0,2
[ 6 ; 10 ]0,4
[ 11 ; 20 ]0,6
[ 21 ; 50 ]0.8
[ 51 ; 100 ]1
[ 101 ; 200 ]2
[ 201 ; +∞ [3
3 - PArticipation COefficient

The PACO prevents bad practices by applying a malus on over-performing riders or couples. The index in the table below represents the height.

If the rider has several registrations in the same event, only the best result gives points (x1), next ones don't (x0)Manon has two horses in Equi70. She ends up 5/25 and 13/25.
Her RCP will be: (50 x 0.8 x 1) + (15 x 0.8 x 0) = 40 points
If the same couple performs in several events, then the PACO of the highest event is x1. If its second event is 1 index lower, then its PACO is x0.6. For all events 2 indexes or more below, their PACO are x0.1Arnaud and Isidor are ranked 3/25 in Equi70 and 1/30 in Equi60.
His RCP will be:
Equi70 : 100 x 0.8 = 80 points
Equi60 : (150 x 0.8) x 0.6 = 72 points
Equi50 : (150 x 0.8) x 0.1 = 12 points
If the rider perfoms in 2 events or more, then the PACO is x1 for the highest event and those 1 or 2 indexes below.
For the events 3 indexes below or more, the PACO is x0.4
Charlotte participates in 3 events
Equi100 2/10 : 120 x 0.6 = 72
Equi90 5/35 : 50 x 0.8 = 40
Equi70 1/60 : (150 x 1) x 0.4 = 60
When several PACO can be applied, the lowest one is usedYann and Pégaze are ranked 1/25 in Equi100, and 2/65 in Equi60. His RCP are:
Equi100 : (150 x 0.8) = 120 points
Equi60 : (120 x 1) x 0.1 = 12 points
4 - Participation Bonus

The PB of 15 points is awarded to the rider's best result in a stage event.

If the rider has multiple entries in the same event, only the best result will earn points (+15), the following ones won't earn any (+0)Manon has two horses in Equi70. She finishes 5th/25 and 13th/25.
Her CPR will be: ((50 x 0.8 x 1) + 15) + ((15 x 0.8 x 0) + 0), resulting in 55 points

2 - Club Competition Points

Clubs accumulate Club Competition Points (CCP) every time they organize or participate in Equi-rider competitions. They collect the points of their riders.

Club Competition Points (CCP) = Sum of RCP

1 - Example of CCP distribution

The Club de l'Etrier has 50 entries in its competition. The sum of their Rider Competition Points is 1770.

Total CCP= 1770